Report on T.E. Computer Workshop :“Emerging Trends in Current Projects”
The Computer Department of Don Bosco College of Engineering organized a session on “Emerging Trends in Current Projects” that took place on the 25th of August 2018 at Don Bosco College Of Engineering. The session was attended by the Third Year Computer Engineering students. The coordinator for the session was Prof. Kiran Waghmare and Prof. Merwyn D’Souza and the resource person for the session was Mr. Shravan Hegde, co-founder of Earnestek, a startup which specialises in training and workshops.
The session was intended to give students a complete picture of all the tools, programming languages and platforms they could use in various domains like App Development, Web Development, for their final year projects. He also discussed the details about the process of Selecting and shortlisting an idea of project, Project Estimation, Team Work, and Usage of appropriate Tools to complete final year projects successfully and on time. The new topics were introduced to students beyond their curriculum like, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Processing and Deep Learning. Different types of inspirational videos on the various ideas were shown to focus on final year project.
The session was very interesting and informative as well. Students usually find it difficult to cope up with a good project for the final year as they do not have a clear picture of all the new and trending technologies and tools that are currently available in the industry. The objective of this session was to guide and give a rough idea to the Third Year Computer Students of what is expected in their Final year projects.