S.E Computer attend Python Programming Workshop (Beyond the curriculum)
C-CODES Student Association along with the Computer Department organized a workshop on Python. The workshop was conducted on 24th March 2018. The resource faculties for the workshop were Prof. Amey Sinai Kerkar, and Prof. Amey Tilve. The workshop was attended by Second Year Computer Engineering students of Don Bosco College of Engineering. The coordinator for the workshop was Asst. Prof. Merwyn D’Souza.
The resource faculty gave basic knowledge of Python. Python is a widely used high-level programming language for general-purpose programming.It is very easy-to-read,easy-to-learn and easy-to-maintain.Also,it provides the user with a broad standard library.Other essential features of python are that, it is poratable, scalable, extendable and enables GUI programming in a better way. An interpreted language, Python has a design philosophy which emphasizes code readability (notably using whitespace indentation to delimit code blocks rather than curly braces or keywords), and a syntax which allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code than possible in languages such as C++ or Java. It has simple easy-to-use syntax, wherein no curly braces({ }) are required for the scope of a class or functions.
The S.E. students were exposed to Getting started, Text input and output, Variables, If statements, for loops, Classes and Functions, Lists, Tuples, Dictionary, Files, Modules, etc. using python. Also, implementation of inheritance among the classes was explained. The students were even explained the 2 ways students for using the Python interpreter: shell mode and program mode. In shell mode, Python expressions are typed into the Python shell, and the interpreter immediately shows the result. Here the program is written as a single line of code.