SE Civil Students Field Trip Report

A field trip was organised for the Second Year Civil Students to R.M.C Plant Vasco, ongoing construction site for a fire station in Vasco and Selaulim dam at Sanguem on May 23, 2022. Er. Sunil made the students aware that in the R.M.C plant Vasco, work was carried out in Central Laboratory where ready-mix of M25 to M50 grade etc. are prepared as per the requirements of the client. At the site, the students got to see the mechanism and working of a concrete mixing plant, the batching unit, dyecrete, portatcrete, light concrete block (thermocol slag and air entraining chemical or foam) were shown.
During the latter half of the day, the students visited a fire station where the pile foundation construction was on and saw that the height of building is 12m and friction piles of diameter 750mm are used. They also witnessed that the the soil at 4m depth was sandy soil and clayey soil was at depth 17m.
In the evening, the students visited Selaulim Dam situated in Sanguem in South Goa. The components of the dam were explained which was constructed in 1976 and was functional in 2000. The students were made aware of the details of the dams and the functioning of the dam was also made known to them.