Home DBCE News & Events Site visit to NIT Goa Campus Balli

Site visit to NIT Goa Campus Balli

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A group of third year Civil Engineering students visited the new campus of NIT Goa at Balli on March 27, 2021.

The Project is being undertaken by the Pune based construction company, B G Shirke.  The students were welcomed by Er. Umaprasad , who gave an overall gist of the site. Manager (Planning), Er. Pramod Yadav accompanied the students to the site.

The company is a pioneer in precast technology and they are continuing to be so by introducing it in this project. To produce this precast building elements, they are setting up a factory. The factory will produce elements like columns, beams and walls. The site also contains a concrete batching plant which will produce concrete at the site itself.

The students visited the ongoing foundation work of different buildings which were cast in situ not precast. Er. Yadav informed the students that the soil was hard lateritic soil so they had to be drilled up. The students were also taken into the factory where they were setting up the formwork for building elements. The factory contained lifting cranes which had a capacity of 150 tonnes.

The students visited batching plant where he explained how concrete mix is prepared as per the design and how the materials are collected from the silos.

By introducing precast technology in this project, the aim is to reduce the duration for the completion of the work.

Prof. Satyesh Kakodkar  , Assistant Professor accompanied the students.


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