Tanishq’s Kulkarni Achievement

Tanashiq Kulkarni is a Department of Civil Engineering Alumnus at Don Bosco College of
Engineering from the batch of 2018-2022. He has got admission at NITK Surathkal for a 02
years full-time M. Tech degree in Construction Technology & Management. He has cleared
the L&T Build India Scholarship Scheme written exam. Tanashiq is sponsored through the
Course fee entirely by L&T. He is being paid a stipend of Rs.13,400/- per month during his
tenure in the program.
Build India Scholarship Scheme is an illustrious user-oriented programme sponsored at IIT
Madras, IIT Delhi, NITK Surathkal & NIT Trichy with a unique ascendancy for the past 2
decades through which L&T molds aspiring young talents with engineering acumen into
capable construction technology managers to play a more relevant part in engineering- the
future of L&T Construction.