Tech Mania 2021

Department of Computer Engineering- Don Bosco College of Engineering, organized Tech Mania 2021- an annual project competition for the final year projects on November 12, 2021. The Tech fest was powered by Stanza Info Tech Pvt. Ltd. The herculean task of judging such an event was brilliantly done by the eminent technocrats namely Mr. Rohan Warty, Managing Director at Xerviz Wlobal who is also The Secretary, Goa Technology Association. and Mr.Sohan Anvekar , Founder and CEO of YSM Media Labs pvt.Ltd.
The formal function began with the arrival of the Chief Guest Mr. Atul Jadhav, Chairman -Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Rev.Fr. Kinley D’cruz- Director, Dr. Neena Panandikar- Principal and Dr. Gaurang Patkar- Head of Department of Computer Engineering.
The Department’s annual project “TechSeed 2021” was released at the hands of the Chief Guest and the other dignitaries during the function.
Addressing the gathering, Rev.Fr.Kinley D’Cruz said: “what makes a good project is passion and hard work. Tech Mania allowed the final year students to showcase their talent, skills and innovative ideas through their projects.”
The Department of Computer Engineering with remarkable achievements such as receipt of project funding from various prestigious Institutions such as DRDO were felicitated. These include Dr.Vivek Jog, Prof. Amey Tilve, Prof. Christina Barretto and Prof.Sweta Morajkar Rane.
The third place was given to the project titled: ‘Prediction of Malignancy in lung nodules’ guided by Prof. Amrita Naik, Second place was given to the project titled:”Conversion of 2D engineering drawings into 3D models using Augmented Reality” guided by Prof. Amey Kerkar and the first place was awarded to the project titled :”Detection of traffic black spots using deep learning techniques.”
The participants of this tech event also prepared short videos explaining their respective project titles, scope and implementation which were shown to the audience present for the prize distribution function. It really gave an insight on the efforts put in by the students to achieve the milestones in their final year project journey.
Mr. Atul Jadhav addressing the gathering spoke about his experience and the career path that he chose. He appreciated the Institute’s efforts and guidance to inspire the students to inculcate different innovative technical skills into their young aspiring minds. He ended his speech by asking the students to follow their dreams.
Prof.Amey Kerkar, Department Project coordinator who is also the Tech Mania 2k21 coordinator proposed the vote of thanks. The program ended with the felicitation of the proud winners of Tech Mania 2021.