Tech Talks 2022- Edging towards a connected future

The Institute Industry Cell (IIC) of Don Bosco college of Engineering , Fatorda, organized Tech Talks 2022 – Edging towards a connected future, on the 9th and 10th September 2022.
The Institute Industry Cell was established in the year 2017, as continuous interaction between academia and industry is the need of the hour. It provides a platform for both the students as well as faculty members to be aware of industry expectations of the skill sets required for students
TechTalks is an initiative where we examine the latest trends in technology and how they affect the way we live and the problems they solve. Technology enables the development of new products and services that uses less energy, chemicals and water and reduces waste from operations — all of which can improve both environmental sustainability and operational efficiency at the same time. This is exactly what the first speaker, Mr. Anish Souza, Founder and CEO of Sun 360, addressed in his lecture “Solar Energy- Technology for sustainable growth”.

Mr. Anish Souza, addressed the importance of renewable energy sources, in an era where fossil fuels are fast depleting. He started off by giving the students a background of the origin of Solar Energy. He explained the various methods of Solar Energy set-ups in residential and commercial areas. He elaborated the Grid and the Hybrid model of Solar Energy Installation, by using project undertaken by Sun 360 as a reference. The pros and cons of each method were also detailed out. He wound up by touching upon the latest trends and advancements in Solar Cells.
Technology is basically a systematic way of doing things or solving problems for the good of mankind. The next speaker, Mr. Sachin Talwadker, Associate Consultant, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), chose a wonderful topic “Soldering Technology”- a technology that binds all electronics together. Mr. Sachin Talwadker, spoke about the different Soldering Techniques which included Reflow Soldering, Wave Soldering and Flex Soldering. He detailed on the different regions of the soldering profile which included the Pre-heat, Soak, Peak and Cooling. He imparted knowledge on how to use the Solder Iron practically. He concluded with the RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) Compliance and explained its importance.
The students thoroughly enjoyed both the sessions, interacting with the Resource Persons. The sessions helped students to update themselves with the latest trends in technology. The departmental coordinators for the event were Prof. Flavia Leitao and Prof. Samantha Cardoso, guided by the Head of department of Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering Dr. Varsha Turkar. Tech Talks 2022 was conceptualized by the IIC headed by Principal – Dr. Neena Panandikar, along with TPO Mrs. Avila Naik and Asst. TPO Dr. Shreyas Simu.