Home DBCE News & Events Third Year Mechanical Engineering Students Visit Glenmark Pharmaceuticals and Goa Waste Management Corporation

Third Year Mechanical Engineering Students Visit Glenmark Pharmaceuticals and Goa Waste Management Corporation

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The Department of Mechanical Engineering of Don Bosco College of Engineering organized a one-day field visit for the Third-Year Mechanical Engineering students to Glenmark Pharmaceuticals, Colvale and Goa Waste Management Corporation, Saligao. Prof. Sachin Turi, Prof. Gaurish Samant, and Mr. Abhishek Dias coordinated the visit.

At Glenmark, students toured the Service and Utility plants. At the Service plant, they observed the water and air treatment processes crucial for pharmaceutical production. At the Utility plant, they encountered the specifics of compressors, chillers, and boilers in operation, along with their mechanisms and preventive maintenance procedures. The tour was led by company officials Mr. Parag Bandekar, Mr. Ranganath Gawde, Mr. Mikhil Asnodkar, and Ms. Aditi Narvekar.

The visit to Goa Waste Management Corporation began with a presentation by Mr. Sameer Natekar, who explained the different types of waste processed at the plant and the challenges associated with their segregation and recycling. The later part of the visit involved a tour of the plant, where students observed the waste management process, including electricity production from the biogas plant and the conversion of manure as a byproduct. Mr. Natekar highlighted the necessity of developing new technologies for recycling non-biodegradable waste, which makes up nearly 70% of the waste and is currently transported to the cement industry in neighboring states. The students had an eventful and enriching experience through this field visit to both places.


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