Home DBCE News & Events VIDNYAN DHARA 2024


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As a part of Vidnyan Dhara 2024, the Goa State Higher Education Council (GSHEC) and the Directorate of Higher Education (DHE) in association with Research and Development (R&D) Cell of our college (DBCE) organized an expert lecture on 01 February 2024.

The resource person was Dr. Rajeshkumar Shankar Hyam, UGC-Assistant Professor, School of Physical and Applied Sciences (Physics), Goa University, Taleigao Plateau, Goa. The topic of the lecture was “Understanding of Corrosion signs by Electrochemical methods”.

Ms. Flavia Leitao, Assistant Professor of Electronics and Computer Science (ECS) Department and Member Secretary of R&D cell, DBCE introduced and welcomed the speaker.

Dr. Hyam started with the Introduction to Corrosion, its different types like Galvanic Corrosion, Pitting corrosion, Crevice corrosion, Filiform corrosion, etc. to name a few, highlighting the importance of Corrosion study in each case. He further explained the parameters affecting corrosion like Temperature, Aeration, Agitation, Nature of the metal, Nature of the environment, etc, and the ways to study corrosion.

In his lecture, he also enlightened the students on the different methods used to avoid or minimize corrosion such as Coatings of various types, Electro deposition, Flame Spraying, Cladding, Hot dipping, Ion Implantation, Laser Glazing, etc. He concluded by screening his different research papers and the ongoing work in his lab related to the subject.

The talk was attended by second year Civil Engineering and second year ECS students.

Dr. Shwetha P., Chairperson of R&D Cell, DBCE, was the overall in-charge of the Vidnyan Dhara Program at DBCE.

The event was coordinated by Ms. Flavia Leitao, Asst. Professor -ECS Department and Ms. Swaroopa Sail, Asst. Professor- Civil Engineering Department.


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