Home DBCE News & Events Visit to Bethseda Children Home

Visit to Bethseda Children Home

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The members of Dhrishni – Women’s cell at Don Bosco College of Engineering were intrigued at the talent, enthusiasm and wit that the children at Bethesda Children Home embrace within them. The opportunity to interact and celebrate together with the children on March 24, 2023 was one that left everyone in high spirits with the need to want to collaborate with these intelligent girls in the near future.

The girls amazed the team from Dhrishni while they staged performances in the form of dance and song. The cool and confident demeanour that they exhibited in their performances gave way to the idea of how these young girls could only break the glass ceiling and be a blessing to many.

The President of the Dhrishni team – Dr. Neena Panandikar along with the team and children cut a cake sharing in the joy of togetherness while everyone was lost in conversation and laughter through the evening.

As is indeed said- We make a living by what we get, But we make a life by what we give…! The girls at Bethesda brought more life to the hearts and dreams of the members of Dhrishni. This can only be a great beginning for the Women’s cell at Don Bosco College of Engineering to experience and collaborate with young hearts and budding minds in the future.

When asked how the children at Bethesda have been brought up with poise, a sense of responsibility, humility and love, Mr. Biju Zachariah responded, “ I have the benefactors and well wishers who help us run this home and indeed it requires a great vision to do what we do.”

The visit ended with all the children excitedly shouting their ‘goodbyes’ and ‘see-you-soon’. The Dhrishni team left Bethesda Children Home with the gift of the smiling faces of each child etched in their hearts.


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