Home DBCE News & Events Webinar on SMARTCRETE for Innovations in Concrete Technology

Webinar on SMARTCRETE for Innovations in Concrete Technology

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A webinar for the students of Civil Engineering Department of Don Bosco College of Engineering was organized by Prism Johnson Limited on December 28, 2020. The department has signed a MoU with Prism Johnson Limited.
Mr. Girish Joshi, Zonal Head, Marketing and Customer Service Group was the speaker.
Mr. Joshi while addressing, elaborated the role of Concrete in the construction industry and how in the recent past the developments have taken place in the field of Concrete Technology. Mr. Girish Joshi also explained the various properties of concrete which made concrete as one of the prime materials in the construction industry.
Further addressing the students, Mr. Joshi enlightened them on the different tests performed on fresh and hardened concrete. Seven holy steps of concrete manufacturing were elaborated by Mr. Joshi.
Further in his talk, Mr. Joshi , highlighted how curing plays a role in making better concrete and explained the various methods of curing.
Lastly, he explained the innovative technologies adopted by Prism Johnson, where he showcased 15 different types of innovative items manufactured at the plant.
Mr. Gaurish Bhartu , Assistant Manger , Customer Service took the students through the virtual gallery of Prism Johson.
Prof. Satyesh Kakodkar , Assistant Professor -Civil, coordinated the programme.


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