Workshop at NIT Goa: IN-SCOCOS

The memorandum of understanding (MoU) between DBCE and NIT Goa paved the way for an exciting opportunity for DBCE students to participate for the first ever Indo-Norway Workshop on “Smart Sensing, Communication, and Control Systems for Industrial Applications (IN-SCOCOS)”, at NIT Goa, on 19 February 2024. A total of 30 students along with three faculty members, Prof. Flavia Leitao, Prof. Anisha Cotta and Prof. Samantha Cardoso, from the Electronics and Computer Science Department were invited to participate for the workshop.
The workshop was jointly organized by NIT Goa, India and University of Agder, Norway, showcasing the joint commitment of both institutions to academic exchange and research advancement. The workshop commenced with an inaugural program, leading into various engaging sessions designed to foster insightful discussion.
The workshop initiated with a session on “mmWave Radar-based sensing for Industrial Applications”, led by Dr. Linga Reddy from the University of Agder, Norway, offering valuable insights into cutting-edge technology applications. Following that, was a session led by Dr. Damodar Reddy Edla from NIT Goa, delving into the topic of “Brain-Computer Interface: Present and the Future”. The subsequent session highlighted “Sensors and Perception Algorithms for Industrial Applications,” led by Dr. Ajit Jha from the University of Agder, Norway, offering valuable insights into LASER and LIDAR technology.
Following the lunch break, the workshop resumed with a session on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and their diverse applications, led by Dr. Ravi Prasad from NIT Goa. The next session focused on “Hardware implementation of Radar Signal processing algorithms”, by Dr. Pathipati Srihari from NITK Surathkal, addressing key concepts such as Radar range equation, Pulse compression, VLSI Signal Processing, etc. Following that, the topic was “Anti-Drone Systems: Sensors, Algorithms, and Challenges.”, exploring areas such as the integration of sensor technology, the challenges of algorithm development, and countermeasures against drones such as Jamming, Spoofing, and Drone Hijacking. The concluding session centered on “Applying Control Theory in the Development of an Automated Fog Cloud Platform for Vision-Based Mobile Robot Applications,” delivered by Dr. Dinsha Vinod from the University of Agder, Norway.
Following the session, certificates were distributed, marking the conclusion of the workshop. Overall, it was a fantastic and enlightening event. Such workshops serve as invaluable platforms for knowledge exchange and scholarly interaction, driving forward advancement in technology and fostering international academic partnership.