Workshop on handheld GPS
Department of civil engineering organized a one day hands on training for the students of second year Civil Engineering on 07th February 2018.
Resource person was Mr. Sachin Pardeshi, Assistant Manager CSG Survey, Aimil Ltd. (Mumbai). Students were briefed about the instrument and on field training was carried in batches of 20, where the students were expected to use the instrument individually to collect data, store and navigate. 73 students from Second Year attended the training sessions.
08th February 2018, students of Third year Civil engineering were also briefed about GPS devices and their application through a 1hour presentation by Mr Sachin Pardeshi. Total of 79 students attended the session.
Thereafter, the faculty members from the Department of Civil Engineering were also given an extensive training to use the device and its software interface of the instrument. A total of 10 faculty members attended this training.